Tall Grass - 4:15 PM

M OUSE puts off his hunger and hops out the window, landing in the tall grassy field below. Although the tall blades of grass obstruct his view, MOUSE has been living here for at least 3 years, and he knows his way around the farm. His first stop would be at the cherry field to get red pigment. The cherry field was the closest source of food from his cottage, it was located right next to the farm house, which was always risky to get near in fear of being seen by the farmer or his cat, Pixie. The farmer has been trying to kill MOUSE for years, but he has not been successful.

As MOUSE nears the cherry field, the farmer walks out the front door of his house and MOUSE ducks down into the grass. The farmer stands on his front porch, leaving a draining basket with tiny cherries filled up to the brim on the ledge. The farmer steps off his porch and walks away down the trail, taking a pack of cigarettes with him.

MOUSE eyes the basket of cherries, uncertain if it's safe to take. Going for the cherries in the draining basket would save MOUSE a lot of time, but he doesn't know if he's willing to take that risk.