# ChatReaction version 1.8.0 configuration file debug: false check_updates: true reaction_stats: track_stats: false top_players_size: 100 hostname: localhost port: 47603 database: chatreaction prefix: '' username: root password: '' ssl: false reaction: interval: 400 time_limit: 30 players_needed_to_start: 1 word_character_length: 15 ignore_case: true use_custom_words: true split_words_by_line: true scramble_custom_words: true scramble_at_random: true scramble_spaces: false disabled_worlds: - world_nether - world_the_end reward_amount: 2 rewards: - eco give @p 500 - give @p experience_bottle 10 messages: reaction_start: - '&6&lType Racer&r &8»&r &bBe the first to type &a&l%word%&r&b for a prize!' reaction_start_tooltip: '&a&l%word%' scramble_start_tooltip: '&a&l%word%' reaction_end: - '&6&lType Racer&r &8»&r &6Nobody typed the word &a&l%word%&r&6 in time!' reaction_win: - '&6&lType Racer&r &8»&r %player%&r &atyped the word &l%word% &ain &f%time% &aseconds!' # reaction_start: # - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &bHover for the word to type!' # reaction_start_tooltip: '&f%word%' # scramble_start_tooltip: '&f%word%' # reaction_end: # - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &cNobody got the word in time &4:(' # reaction_win: # - '&8[&e&lReaction&8] &f%player% &awon in &f%time% &aseconds!' # reaction_start: # - '&6&lScramble&r &8>>&r &bBe the first to unscramble &a%word%&b for a prize!' # reaction_start_tooltip: '&f' scramble_start: - '&6&lScramble&r &8»&r &bBe the first to unscramble &a&l%word%&r&b for a prize!' # scramble_start_tooltip: '&f%word%' # reaction_end: # - '&0[&FFB6C1&lBebeGamers&0] &6Nobody guessed the word in time! :(' scramble_end: - '&6&lScramble&r &8»&r &6Nobody guessed the word &a&l%word%&r&6 in time!' # - '&cThe word was &f%word%' # reaction_win: # - '&0[&FFB6C1&lBebeGamers&0] &f%player% &awon in &f%time% &aseconds!' scramble_win: - '&6&lScramble&r &8»&r %player%&r &aunscrambled the word &l%word% &ain &f%time% &aseconds!' hooks: qaplugin: enabled: true hint: charge: false charge_amount: 100.0