
10/4 ViViD

11/16 Around You

12/14 Let Me In

1/16 Kiss Later

4/16 Everyday I Love You

5/22 Eclipse

6/25 Singing In The Rain

7/27 Love Cherry Motion

11/27 New

12/27 Heart Attack

1/29 One & Only

3/29 Egoist



  • Loonaverse World

  • LOONA Subpage

    The LOONAVERSE is a universe that exists on a mobius strip. The members of LOONA 1/3 reside on earth and portray realistic girls that can be found on streets or at schools. ODD EYE CIRCLE lives between earth and space, aka the middle earth. They display changing and mutative characteristics while suggesting love should be taken control of instead of being passive. Lastly, yyxy inhabit a 'utopia', known as 'Edenism', beyond earth and the middle earth. They decide to escape their 'Eden' in order to discover themselves.


    There is no official timeline of the LOONAVERSE that Blockberry Creative has confirmed, but instead we are given clues through member reveals, music videos, and teasers about the sequence of events in this world. Many different people have begun to theorize what events in the LOONAVERSE impacted what, and how every bit of lore fits together. By far the most popular timeline is according to the order in which music videos and members were revealed.