Cottage - 4:00 PM

M OUSE wakes up from his afternoon nap. MOUSE rises from his bed in his tiny cottage and walks towards his window. The sun sits above the horizon, at least a couple of hours away from setting. Suddenly, MOUSE feels the urge to paint the sunset. MOUSE walks over to his supply drawer and opens it to find it empty, no paint in sight. MOUSE looks back out the window into the sun and sees how beautiful the scene looks. He really wants to paint the sunset now, but in order to do that, he will need to gather red, blue, and yellow colors from the farm before it gets too dark. Time is ticking, and he has to be quick. He opens the window seal and is about leave when his tummy starts growling.

 *MOUSE is hungry.* 

MOUSE looks back at his nightstand next to his bed and sees the leftover cheese he had eaten the night before, his mouth salivates at the near sight of food. Time is of the essence .