Cottage - 4:00 PM

M OUSE continues his journey and sets his goal to acquire yellow pigment. He scurries down the trail towards the next field over: the mango field. MOUSE's favorite food to eat from the farm were the mangoes, it was riskier and a farther traveling distance from his home to get the mangoes, but it was always worth it.

MOUSE started nearing the mango fields. The trees loom over in the distance like giants, extending long and vibrant branches of leaves with ovalish red and yellow fruits hanging from them. When MOUSE finally enters the mango field, he runs through the trees looking for the ripest mango he could find. Some have already fallen on the floor, but they're a little bruised. MOUSE would prefer to get a mango from the tree branches, but it would require more work. MOUSE feels indifferent on what to do..