Mango Field - 4:00 PM

M OUSE climbs the tree swiftly, soon disappearing in the forest of branches above. MOUSE climbs all the way to the very top, dodging twigs and leaves blocking his way, and stands at the height of the tree. MOUSE looks below him at the branches of leaves flowing in the wind, watching the mangoes move left and right on their stems. That's when the perfect mango catches MOUSE's eye. A beautifully crescent shaped yellow mango with a light gradient of red and orange on it, it was a perfect fruit.

As MOUSE was about to descend down the branch with the mango, a ferocious wind started kicking up that almost took him off his feet. He gripped the twig next to him as the entire field underwent a burst of rapid wind. MOUSE is now hesitant to get the mango. He doesn't know if it's safe to get the mango anymore.